Day 2 of Becoming Batman

 First of January 2021

Well, day one of 2021. Who would have thought that we would make it here alive? The UK is recording record numbers of people testing positive for Corona Virus. More deaths and more strain on the NHS. This cock-up of a government hasn’t handled this pandemic at all well, and where I will differ from Batman is that he was apolitical, I on the other hand am determined to get my voice heard. I think the UK is being run a group racist, xenophobe elitists who removed us from the EU using Nazi Style Propaganda, lying and cheating. Make no mistake that when we are all vaccinated and able to gather, I will be gathering and protesting with my fellow rejoiners.

It’s been a rather lazy day. I spent the morning sleeping, the early afternoon watching The Boys on Prime TV and then went for a walk. Yes that’s right, I got up off my lardy arse and went for a walk, Rob came with me and we had a lovely conversation about the Virus, how it’s affected us and then he mentioned how much of their business is being transferred to the Frankfurt office as a result of Brexit.

I think today was a bit of a turning point, usually when I decide to start a diet, the first thing I do is weigh myself. I know I have a lot of weight to lose but maybe, just maybe, it doesn’t have to be about the weight. I guess what I am alluding to is that if I take care of mind and body then there will be no reason for me to diet.

This morning I made oats porridge for breakfast and I usually put in a good amount (a very good amount) of sugar and butter. I didn’t today, I ate it just as it was. I was quite proud of myself and so didn’t feel too bad when I popped 2 teaspoons of sugar into my coffee, and raided the sweetie tub. It’s hard to imagine what Batman might do if his problems were so small? In Batman’s world, Alfred would have brought me my coffee and I would be nowhere near the sugar bowl. I would have had breakfast made for me and then perhaps I would go to my personal gym for a workout with a private trainer.

That’s not my life however and so I should take the small victories where I can. Today’s victories are these:

  1. I did not put sugar and butter in my porridge

  2. I went for a walk 2.9Km to be exact.

  3. I have not yet fought with my daughter (It’s only 17:34pm)

I wonder what little victories I can celebrate tomorrow?


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