
Showing posts from January, 2021

Day 1 Becoming my own Batman ( 2nd Time Round)

  11 January 2021 Day 1 of Becoming My Own Batman Yes, I fell off the wagon BIG TIME, I wasn’t going to do it anymore, yes I was just gonna quit! Then I realised that I am allowed to not be perfect yet. I have had a few days off work and I am feeling just a little relieved that I have not had to go in. I don’t think people realise just how stressful it is working in essential retail has been.  For a whole year we have been exposed to people who feel that coming into the store at 7am for the newspaper is essential. During the first lockdown we didn’t have any builders or workers coming into the store either, now it’s just like a normal day. Pop in three or four at a time to get a sandwich and a drink. These people should be at home!! Mothers and fathers come in with tiny babies. If you ask me honestly that’s plain and simple child endangerment. Supermarkets are becoming the new superspreaders and yet I can’t say anything to anyone who chooses not to wear a mask or wears a mask under the

Becoming My Own Batman day 7

  Day 7 Becoming My Own Batman 6 January 2021 I have just been watching the news and I am absolutely disgusted at the scenes coming from the US Capitol Building. If you ever needed a picture to describe white privilege then that’s it. Police standing around, protesters breaking windows and taking pictures on the senate floor. If I was an American I would be totally ashamed. In the summer we attended a BLM march in London. I know they weren’t as big as the one’s in the US, but the number of police and tear gas being shot into the crowds really brings to light exactly how big the gap is between the races. I am angry and I just hope Trump and his enablers are prosecuted for inciting violence and sedition. Anyway, today was a good day. I went to work, went for my walk (with the whole family). I really have a pretty boring life. I ate lots today.  Today’s victories I went for a walk 2.8Km in 37 mins (a bit slow because of the talking) I had a lovely conversation with my daughter during the

Becoming My Own Batman Day 6

  Day 6 Of Becoming My Own Batman 5 January 2021 Okay so I didn’t go for my walk today, I got home from work changed into my walking clothes, had lunch, bought my nieces presents and went to sit on my bed. I put on a movie, got my dressing gown and curled up to get comfortable.  I woke up at about 17:00 it was pitch black outside and it was freezing cold. The movie had long finished. I was a little upset with myself, but I thought about it and I am now not too upset, I am giving myself a break and believe I actually needed the rest. I have been struggling with addiction. It’s not something I am proud of. It’s really very hard to talk about. The addiction is a habit formed by years and years of hiding behind fat. I don’t smoke, and I am only an occasional drinker of alcohol, I have (in my younger days) dabbled with drugs and while those days were great, I believe myself to be a bit of a control freak and yet I completely lost control when it comes to food.  I am embarrassed, I eat and e

Becoming My Own Batman Day 5

  Day 5 Becoming My Own Batman 4 January 2021 Back to work today, it would be lovely if I had a huge inheritance like Bruce Wayne, I often imagine what it would be like to be rich don’t you? I would love to have someone cook for me, clean for me (although honestly since Rob has been home since March due to Covid, I almost do), I would like someone to train me and drive me around. I often joke that if Rob and I didn’t have to work, we’d be members of Champney’s Country Club and we’d eat breakfast and play a round of golf before enjoying a massage and then fetching the kids from school. Oh it’s a lovely dream and Rob has taken me once to a golf driving range and I can’t say it went too well. I also imagine getting a degree but I applied a few years ago and my A level equivalents were not good enough. I have looked to do some distance learning but it’s really expensive. Went to get the results of my MRI today and except for a disc that is slightly misaligned, my spine is in good condition

Becoming my own Batman Day 4

  Day 4 of Becoming My Own Batman 3 January 2021 I didn’t have to go into work after all this evening and so my long weekend will continue until tomorrow. It wasn’t a bad day. In fact it was rather a calm day. I wasn’t going to go for my walk today but then decided it’s only day 3 of the year and already I would be quitting. Batman never quit!!  Batman would get up after a beating and say in the words of Captain America “I can do this all day”. I have already mentioned Alfred who is Bruce Wayne’s butler, but I haven’t yet mentioned the Dark Knight’s sidekick, Robin. An orphan taken in by Bruce. Richard Grayson was trained and mentored by Batman, although he had skills and demons of his own, it’s Batman who teaches him that revenge, while an important motivator, is not the most important reason to do what it is they do. In my life, I have had several Robins. People who have been at my side through thick and thin. The first people who come to mind are my parents, but these are the people

Becoming My Own Batman - Day 3

  Day 3 Of Becoming my own Batman Well there is very little to report today, I did get on the scale though, I knew that it wasn’t a good idea. It’s a big number no matter which was you read it. I went for my walk today, it was cold but the brisk air was refreshing. The sun was shining brightly and the sky was so blue. I listened to all the 80’s classics. There is something about music that just takes me back to my teenage years. A lot of my memories are so skrewed up I don’t know if they are real or not, but then there are some memories that are so vivid that it’s like stepping back in time and watching myself from a far. The other night Dirty Dancing was on the telly and I remembered going to see it at the drive in with a friend and her family. I could hear the crackle of the silver speaker and smell the popcorn as we stood in line at the concession stand. Now today I have not been very conscious of what I have been eating, although I guess I will be when I am in a better frame of min

Day 2 of Becoming Batman

  First of January 2021 Well, day one of 2021. Who would have thought that we would make it here alive? The UK is recording record numbers of people testing positive for Corona Virus. More deaths and more strain on the NHS. This cock-up of a government hasn’t handled this pandemic at all well, and where I will differ from Batman is that he was apolitical, I on the other hand am determined to get my voice heard. I think the UK is being run a group racist, xenophobe elitists who removed us from the EU using Nazi Style Propaganda, lying and cheating. Make no mistake that when we are all vaccinated and able to gather, I will be gathering and protesting with my fellow rejoiners. It’s been a rather lazy day. I spent the morning sleeping, the early afternoon watching The Boys on Prime TV and then went for a walk. Yes that’s right, I got up off my lardy arse and went for a walk, Rob came with me and we had a lovely conversation about the Virus, how it’s affected us and then he mentioned how mu