Becoming My Own Batman - Day 3

 Day 3 Of Becoming my own Batman

Well there is very little to report today, I did get on the scale though, I knew that it wasn’t a good idea. It’s a big number no matter which was you read it.

I went for my walk today, it was cold but the brisk air was refreshing. The sun was shining brightly and the sky was so blue. I listened to all the 80’s classics. There is something about music that just takes me back to my teenage years.

A lot of my memories are so skrewed up I don’t know if they are real or not, but then there are some memories that are so vivid that it’s like stepping back in time and watching myself from a far. The other night Dirty Dancing was on the telly and I remembered going to see it at the drive in with a friend and her family. I could hear the crackle of the silver speaker and smell the popcorn as we stood in line at the concession stand.

Now today I have not been very conscious of what I have been eating, although I guess I will be when I am in a better frame of mind.

Right now I am watching the third season of Cobra Kai, I absolutely love that they do flash backs to the original movies and so many of the original cast pop up in so many places. It makes me feel like a teenager again.

I know it’s not a great blog this afternoon but I am counting it as a victory.

So today’s victories

  1. I wrote the blog

  2. I went for my walk and did 3Km in a quicker time than I did 2.9Km yesterday

I hope to have a more interesting day tomorrow.


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