Becoming My Own Batman Day 6

 Day 6 Of Becoming My Own Batman

5 January 2021

Okay so I didn’t go for my walk today, I got home from work changed into my walking clothes, had lunch, bought my nieces presents and went to sit on my bed. I put on a movie, got my dressing gown and curled up to get comfortable. 

I woke up at about 17:00 it was pitch black outside and it was freezing cold. The movie had long finished. I was a little upset with myself, but I thought about it and I am now not too upset, I am giving myself a break and believe I actually needed the rest.

I have been struggling with addiction. It’s not something I am proud of. It’s really very hard to talk about. The addiction is a habit formed by years and years of hiding behind fat. I don’t smoke, and I am only an occasional drinker of alcohol, I have (in my younger days) dabbled with drugs and while those days were great, I believe myself to be a bit of a control freak and yet I completely lost control when it comes to food. 

I am embarrassed, I eat and eat, I don’t feel full and so eat and eat some more. I crave sugar and sweet stuff, even teaspoons of sugar are not sweet enough. I have never said it out loud before. I guess this is the biggest obstacle I am going to have to overcome if I want to really become my Batman.

Bruce Wayne didn’t have any addictions that I am aware of. Batman on the other hand was addicted to adrenaline, at least I assume. Flying through the night sky, beating up baddies, I guess that would get the adrenaline flowing.

I am going to end today’s blog with only one victory.

  1. I admitted an addiction


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